Intro to Hair Botox

Looking to try a new treatment in 2023? Hair Botox is the one for you! 

Hair botox can be beneficial to address issues such as split ends, hair breakage, dull and dry hair, damaged hair, and frizzy hair. It replenishes the hair fiber, repairs damaged hair adds volume to hair, and facilitates hair straightening. 

What is hair botox?

Hair Botox is a deep conditioning treatment that coats hair fibres with a filler, such as keratin. The treatment fills in any broken or thin areas on each hair strand to make hair appear more full and lustrous.


It is useful in the monsoon season when humidity, damage, and frizz take a toll on the well-being of our hair. The treatment is a mix of proteins, peptides, amino acids, vitamins, vitamin B5, collagen compounds, and lipids applied to fill the hair. 

How does it work? 

Botox for your hair doesn’t use injections of any kind. Instead, it’s a conditioning agent that’s applied directly to your strands of hair. 


  • The treatment begins with a shampoo to open your hair cuticles and prepare the strands for conditioning. 
  • The hair Botox is then applied to the strands by massaging the product on from root to tips. 
  • The treatment is left on wet hair for a period of time, usually between 20–90 minutes.
  • Lastly, a heat tool is used to seal in the treatment. 

The effects of hair Botox are supposed to last between 2–4 months, although the exact time frame will vary from person to person. It’s recommended that you use a low-sulphate or sulphate-free shampoo to preserve the results. 


If you are looking for a solution for nourishing and smoothening your hair, botox hair treatment is the way to go about it!